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T37 Heaving to?
Roberto Labrador
Anyone have experience heaving to in a T37?  If so, what sail plan have you found works best?  Ideas please?
Thanks much
Ward Caswell
I saw your post here from last summer with no replies. Better late than never perhaps. I heave to all the time in my 1979 Tartan 37. No matter how much I have reefed the job or main, I simply bring her as close tot he wind as I can sail, crank down the jib and main sheets and then come about.  When I come about, I don't touch the sheets. Leave the jib sheeted in on the side it was before. As you then come around and pick up the wind on the new tack, the boat will want to heel and the job will want to force the bow further down wind. Once you have a bit of forward motion on it, turn the wheel as it to tack back to the original heading, but be careful not to turn the wheel so far that she actually tacks. Instead, feel the bow come up into the wind, and then get pushed back. At this point, you should have little if any forward motion. Now you can turn the wheel completely as if still trying to come about again. The boat may rock a bit, coming up, and then back down, but eventually should just stick in one spot. You will be pushed a bit sideways and perhaps even backwards at times, but overall you should find things pretty stable, much quieter, and above all calmer.

It's a great thing to do when you are feeling overwhelmed or when an equipment breakdown leaves you vulnerable. It's good to practice it, especially a few times at the beginning of each season. It's the closest thing the boat has to hitting the brakes.


Ward Caswell
Newburyport MA
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