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Fairclough cover for T34c for sale
Tom McDonagh

Hi Folks,

Laura has a Fairclough cover designed for installation with a stepped mast. We used it for the first time a few seasons and found the boat faired much better with canvas over plastic. Fairclough stated it could be modified to cover an un-stepped boat easily. Sadly, we no longer need the cover any longer. It you would like to get away from the plastic scam, contact Laura.


I have such a cover that needs to be replaced. What kind of condition is yours in, and how much are you asking?


Chris Crighton

s/v Squander

T34C # 180

Tom McDonagh

Overall, good to great shape. Laura has maintained the zippers over the last few years, having the sail-loft repair them Zippers are the weak link for these covers. The fabric is intact and serviceable. Some of the tiedown line could be replaced as they get a bit growdy over time. Laura is the money person, I am sure she can answer these questions.



Sounds good! I actually need just the canvas, but all is negotiable. Just waiting to hear from Laura for the price.

Chris Crighton

s/v Squander

T34C # 180

Jonathan Kriebel

Hi Tom - Interested Can you call me

Have a T33 and a CC34 than need a canvas cover like yours.

Jonathan 203-257-9999

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