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Holding Tank, Original and New Size
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In general, you must have a clear vent -- to allow odors to escape the easy way and to prevent the tank from imploding when pumped out. It should be as large as reasonable, some even install two vent pipes. The filter could be a screen at the tank end to keep solids inside, another filter containing activated charcoal is often installed at the deck end to eliminate odors from floating on the night breeze on deck.

John Harvey
New Day T-37 #16
I have a 1980 / 1981 T-33, I never noticed a screen in the tank vent line area. I had to replace the vent itself on the hull because a mud wasp had built their nest in it and blocked the vent line, I  broke it removing it . This was about 10 years ago and I think I remember the vent unit having a screen. If you can see a screen in the tank  then you may be able to clean it with a tooth brush, etc. You do need the vent to displace the fluids while being pumped out or the tank might collapse in on itself and destroy the tank because of the vacuum caused by the pump out. I suggest you replace the hose between the tank and the vent at the hull . This might fix your problem.

Leo Corsetti
T-33 Satisfaction

I have a 1980 Tartan 33.  The holding take has a filter like thing inside the tank that's attached to a pipe which appears to be the vent hose pipe.  That pipe is capped off.  Any idea what that filter like thing is and if I could remove it?  I believe it's creating odor.  Wonder what should actually be on the end of that vent pipe. 

On my T33 #212 the Kraycor tank, 14 gallon was the original . I replaced it with a Trionic 20 gallon tank, it fit easily in the same space. The only modifications were to some of the supports.

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