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    Tartan Owners Northeast, Inc.


In Memoriam
Leo Corsetti
TONE Past President

I deeply regret having to inform you of the passing of TONE Past President Leo Corsetti.  Leo crossed the bar on the morning of June 27, 2024.  Leo died just short of his 83rd birthday which would have been July 8.  He had been in failing health for a considerable period before he passed.

Leo initially took the helm in 2006 as TONE was going through one of its periodic transitions.  Howard Ertel was moving from a T-3500 into a power boat and was passing the mantle on.  Leo took over and recognized that the future for TONE needed to be more organized.  He and then co-chair Skip King called for a major "going forward" conference in May of 2008 to plan the TONE of the future.

What came out of that meeting is really the TONE that exists today:  The club incorporated in Massachusetts, a board and officers were designated, a constitution and bylaws were created, and TONE moved to a new fully fledged organizational level.

Leo was the first President of the incorporated TONE (which during incorporation recognized its extended reach and rebranded as Tartan Owners Northeast rather than Tartan Owners New England) and oversaw many of what are now traditional events.  The first Winter Dinner was chaired by Leo at his Winthrop Yacht Club to coincide with the Boston Boat Show in February of 2009.  It has since become a regular right up to this March when it honored Tim Jackett for 50 years in the industry and at Tartan.

Leo's incredible "get it done" dynamism got the renewed TONE off to a great start and set the bar for how its leadership should actively guide the organization.  He will be greatly missed by those of us privileged to work with him.

Gary Van Voorhis
President, TONE

Summer Rendezvous 2024
Shelter Island Yacht Club
August 13 - 15, 2024

The rendezvous is being held at the Shelter Island Yacht Club, Dering Harbor, Shelter Island, NY, on August 13th with departure on the 15th with a group dinner planned at the club for the 14th.   We will be on moorings which include early morning to late night launch service.  The moorings will cost 3.00 per foot with 24 moorings reserved for TONE. 

SIYC is a beautiful club with wonderful food. There are nice common areas indoors and out for us to gather and socialize. The bar will be open during the day.  There are also many good restaurants in walking distance of the club on Shelter Island.  The Greenport Ferry is also in walking distance from the club with restaurants and shops in that town near the ferry landing.  There are also wineries that could be visited about 8 to 10 miles from Greenport.  If you are in the mood, and in shape, Dans Cycles will deliver bicycle rentals to the YC for you. 

During the rendezvous there is an easy payment method: During our stay each boat will be given a card to charge at the club and payment is made when leaving. 

To make your reservation please sign up and pay your deposit of 50.00. 

We have agreed with SIYC to a $65.00 per plate cost for the dinner.  We are working on a three course meal and attendees will be able to make choices before the dinner.  We plan to take all the deposit money and use that to defray total dinner costs.  

Initially we reserved reservations only for active TONE members but we still have some spaces open in the mooring field so we have opened reservations to any interested party.  We hope you can join us for what is sure to be a wonderful time. 

Click below to register for this event:

Register for the 2024 Summer Rendezvous SIYC

If you have any questions please email us at:

Spring 2024 Nor'easter Newsletter
Is Available Now


The Spring 2024 edition of TONE Nor'easter is available now here on the site.  Click on the link below to download this new edition.

In this new edition we have the usual President's Letter bringing you up to date on TONE doings as well as:

Coast Guard News - An update on the Coast Guard Museum.

Tartan Musings from Tim Jackett - Tim was feted at a March TONE dinner.  What did it make him think about?
Suddenly in Command - Lithium Batteries are all the thing.  But beware, there are some issues!

Tartan Racing News - Some TONE members are racing and so are some ex-TONE boats.

Tartan Tips - Dick Jerauld showers and winter solar power.

Galley Notes - A special 4th of July charcuterie.

Click here to download your copy:

Spring 2024 Nor'easter


 TONE's Mission: To provide forums for all Tartan owners to exchange information, enjoy boating and social events together,
 and create a sense of fellowship in order to enhance our ownership experiences.

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